Our Official Partners
Each of the organisations recognised as official partners to Nova Roma in Australia & New Zealand are granted a special status under our local legislatation. Australia Nova Romana seeks to partner with other like-organisations that enable education on all things Roman! These partnerships include re-enatment groups, schools, universities, museums and other associations with a Roman focus. We're proud to work with these organsiations and appreciate them being a part of our community.

Ancient Roman Reenactors Victoria (ARRV)
Legio X Fretensis
Depicting Romans from 1-100 CE, ARRV are recognised as both an 'allied legion' of Nova Roma and a fully autonomous reenactment group with their 1st Cohort of the legion. The legion trains regularly at Fern Tree Gully, near Melbourne Victoria.

National Military Reenactment Group (NMRG)
Legio II Augusta
With a detachment of ancient Romans, displaying a look from 1-100 CE, NMRG are recognised as an 'allied legion' of Nova Roma. The legion trains regularly in Canberra, ACT and hosts the largest contingent of Roman reenactors in Australia at the Queanbeyan Medieval Fair each year.