Australia Nova Romana
at a glance...
Australia Nova Romana (ANR) is the Oceania chapter of the international non-profit organisation called Nova Roma Inc.
ANR is the association overseeing the administration of Nova Roma throughout Australia & New Zealand, collectively referred to as 'Provincia Australia'.
Nova Roma is the largest and one of the oldest international not-for-profit communities of its kind. Supporting a membership of students, academics and enthusiasts, Nova Roma offers a unique ancient Roman education through living-history and revivalism.
Nova Roma is a 'choose-your-own-experience'; dive into use of the classical Latin language, explore Roman politics, learn and build your knowledge as a real practitioner of the ancient religious practice, or build friendships across the globe with those passionate about ancient Roman subjects.
Best of all citizenship (membership) is free!
What We Do
Choose your own Roman adventure...

Ancient Roman Politics

Culture & Religion of Ancient Rome

Latin & Philosophy Studies

Network & Community

Gaming, Reenactment & Revivalism
Our Regional Roman Partners
Australia Nova Romana partners with other ancient education and living-history organisations all around Oceania. These partnerships include re-enactment groups, schools, universities, museums and other associations with a Roman or general ancient civilisation focus. We're proud to work with these organsiations and appreciate them being a part of our community.

Cohors I - Praetoria Australis
Nova Roma Praetorium Australe (NR-PA)
Adelaide, South Australia

Legio XII - Fulminata
Legio XII Fulminata
Adelaide, South Australia

Legio X - Fretensis
Ancient Roman Reenactors Victoria (ARRV)
Melbourne, Victoria

Legio II - Augusta
National Military Reenactment Group (NMRG)
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory