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About Us

Nova Roma Inc. [U.S. (Maine) Charter: 20010268ND] is an international notprofit organisation, established in March 1998, as a living history society promoting Roman themed education and networking.


Nova Roma, Australia & New Zealand (called Australia Nova Romana) is the regional branch and subsidiary to Nova Roma Inc. All our local ANR members (citizens) are Australians and New Zealanders who have taken an interest to explore ancient Rome and have become citizens of Nova Roma in our symbolic Roman Republic.


Practically, we are an organised association of like-minded individuals, a collection of people who share a common interest in all aspects of ancient Rome. Students, academics and enthusiasts have come together to form a symbolic nation based on the ancient Roman Republic, providing an immersive tangible experience to live as a Roman and experience the Mos maiorum (custom of the ancestors) and Romanitas (the Roman way).


We are always looking for interested people, organsiations and groups willing to help build upon the foundations of our local community. Whatever your specific Roman interest or skill, there will be something you can help with or enjoy! There are activities and interests for everyone and members can choose their own path and how they participate.


We seek to explore the detail of many facets of Roman life, such as food, clothing, history, language, society and military enterprise as well as Roman politics. We are a living history society, striving for accuracy in all things Roman (with the necessary compromises for modern life) and we educate our selves not through role-play but by seeking to walk the path as the modern day decedents of ancient Rome.


We welcome you will join us as a free citizen and share in the Mos Maiorum and Romanitas. Visit our website or contact us to find out more.

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