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About Us

Nova Roma Inc. [U.S. (Maine) Charter: 20010268ND] is an international notprofit organisation, established in March 1998, as a living history society promoting Roman themed education and networking.


Nova Roma, Australia & New Zealand (called Australia Nova Romana) is the regional branch and subsidiary to Nova Roma Inc. All our local ANR members (citizens) are Australians and New Zealanders who have taken an interest to explore ancient Rome and have become citizens of Nova Roma in our symbolic Roman Republic.


Practically, we are an organised association of like-minded individuals, a collection of people who share a common interest in all aspects of ancient Rome. Students, academics and enthusiasts have come together to form a symbolic nation based on the ancient Roman Republic, providing an immersive tangible experience to live as a Roman and experience the Mos maiorum (custom of the ancestors) and Romanitas (the Roman way).


We are always looking for interested people, organsiations and groups willing to help build upon the foundations of our local community. Whatever your specific Roman interest or skill, there will be something you can help with or enjoy! There are activities and interests for everyone and members can choose their own path and how they participate.


We seek to explore the detail of many facets of Roman life, such as food, clothing, history, language, society and military enterprise as well as Roman politics. We are a living history society, striving for accuracy in all things Roman (with the necessary compromises for modern life) and we educate our selves not through role-play but by seeking to walk the path as the modern day decedents of ancient Rome.


We welcome you will join us as a free citizen and share in the Mos Maiorum and Romanitas. Visit our website or contact us to find out more.

  • Is there a cost to join?
    No! Joining Nova Roma (Australia Nova Romana) is absolutley free. You are only required to pay the voluntary donation (Roman tax) should you wish to run in elections, volunteer as a public servant in the central adminsitration or hold a public religious office. The annual voluntary cost is normally about $9 USD.
  • ANR doesn't appear to be incorporated, is there a third-party that can verify this association?
    Australia Nova Romana is currently only an unincorporated association. We do however have public recognition through a reenactors’ public liability insurance scheme. You can see Australia Nova Romana through the ‘Member Groups’ section of the Australasian Living History Federation:
  • Is this part of some micronation movement?
    Nova Roma claims symbolic nationhood through our citizens and members world-wide. We appreciate the legalities and reality of attempting sovereign claim and therefore make no such movements to do so. We are not a separatist movement and we are not in opposition to any recognised state government. For the sake of living-history and education, much of our conduct is as if we were an independent Roman Republic. See more information from our Declaration:
  • Do I have to practice Roman religion to join?
    You are certainly not required to be a practicing Roman cultor or follower of the Roman religions. We do not seek to interfere in the private religious lives of any of our citizens (members). All that's required is a love of all things Roman. Although, most of our citizens are currently polytheists in various forms, and the public "state" religion of Nova Roma is the Religio Romana, we do not require ordinary citizens to practice Roman Polytheism. Magistrates, because they are not only civil servants but also have functions within the Religio Romana, are responsible for ensuring that religious functions are performed either by themselves or an appropriate delegate. While personal adherence to the ancient ways and traditions, especially as expressed through magisterial participation in religious ritual, is an ideal that is encouraged and valued, there is no legal requirement for it.
  • How do the rights of woman in Nova Roma compare to that of ancient Rome?
    Ancient Roman society was rather patriarchal. While we are endeavoring to recreate most aspects of classical Roman culture, we have updated some of the more backwards views of our illustrious ancestors (slavery being the other big one — we wouldn't allow it even if it were legal). Women in Nova Roma are completely free to vote, hold office, become members of the Senate, and so forth. As far as the Religio Romana goes, there are some offices that are women-only, some that are men-only, and some that are open to both. While we recognise the differences between women and men, neither is held to be superior to the other.
  • Is this just some kind of role-playing game?
    No. We're far more than some "role-playing" game! The culture and knowledge left by classical Rome can still make a positive contribution to the modern world. Nova Roma is a serious attempt to provide a place where those interested in the various aspects of the classical world can begin to turn that cultural legacy into a living system once again. With good fortune, Nova Roma is growing into something very "real" indeed. We are gaining citizens at a steady (and increasing) rate, and more and more "local, real world" meetings and events are becoming possible. There are now over a thousand Nova Romans... running real-world classical-oriented businesses through the ordo equester, hosting public gatherings such as Roman Days and the annual Conventus Novae Romae in Europa, organizing sodalitates (clubs) around classical subjects concerning everything from brewing to philosophy, holding legal religious services, helping to fund serious archaeological digs, and even participating in real-world politics as an international "culture and people".
  • Do I have to know Latin or Greek to join?
    Not at all. While a cursory knowledge of Latin might be helpful in understanding some of the terms and phrases you'll see both on our web site and in some of our publications, it is in no way required. Various Latin courses and tutoring are offered through our society. Nova Roma provides a whole community for ancient and classical Latin to be used in ernest, in real world settings and conversations.
  • Can I be a patrician?
    With very few exceptions, new citizens will join the plebeian class. Access to the patrician class is by birth or adoption into a patrician family only. Functionally, there is almost no difference between patricians and plebeians, however, patricians can not participate or vote in the comitia plebis tributa, and cannot be elected tribunus plebis and aedilis plebis, offices open only to plebeians. These restrictions actually make plebeians relatively more powerful than patricians! The patrician class can more accurately be described as an ethnicity, linked to the first founders of Nova Roma, and should not be considered an award or privelage; just a necessity of tradition.

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